We have all heard about acai berries? But what about the health benefits of acai berries and berry juice? Acai berries are highly promoted by marketers who say it’s one of the top superfoods with anti-aging and weight loss properties. Some manufacturers use acai berries in beauty products. But do scientific studies support these claims of acai benefits?
How to Enjoy Nutritious Exotic Fruits
What is the acai berry? The acai berry is a 1" long reddish, purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree, which is native to South America, especially Brazil.
Research on the acai berry has focused on its possible antioxidant activity. Theoretically, that activity may help prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart disease and cancer.
Is the acai berry healthy? Acai contains several substances called anthocyanins and flavonoids. anthocyanin comes from two Greek words meaning “plant” and “blue.” Anthocyanins are responsible for the colorful hues in many fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Foods that are richest in anthocyanins -- such as blueberries, red grapes, red wine, and acai -- are very strongly colored, ranging from deep purple to black.
Anthocyanins and flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that help defend the body against life's stressors. They also play a role in the body's cell protection system. Free radicals are harmful by-products produced by the body. Eating food rich in antioxidants may interfere with aging and the disease process by neutralizing free radicals.
By lessening the destructive power of free radicals, antioxidants may help reduce the risk of some diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
Are there known health benefits of acai?
Some studies show that acai fruit pulp has a very high antioxidant capacity with even more antioxidant content than cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, or blueberry. Studies are ongoing, though, and the jury is still out.
People eat acai berries to address various health conditions. But so far, acai berries have no known health benefit that’s any different than that of other similar fruits.
Research supports eating a diet rich in antioxidants. There’s no doubt that berries and other fruits are a key part of any healthy diet promoting weight loss. The jury’s still out on whether there is something special about acai’s ability to shed excess pounds.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
The antibiotics your doctor is prescribing you today may not work tomorrow.
The over-prescribing of antibiotics is the cause of an alarming rise in the incidence of “Super-Bug” infections. A Super-Bug infection is a term given to infection from bacteria that have become resistant to common antibiotics. The most common reason for the resistance is from the over use and abuse of antibiotics. This happens when you go to the doctor and he or she is unable for a variety of reasons to arrive at a proper diagnosis given a set of signs and symptoms that are common to colds and viruses. What seemed harmless and even considered a good idea 2 or 3 decades ago of prescribing patients antibiotics without confirming the root cause of the illness is now exploding into these super-bug infections. It seems that the wisdom behind what most of us learned early on in our medical education about prescribing antibiotics, that is: one bug, one drug, has been lost over the years. Perhaps it could be blamed on our health care system and the costs associated with expensive lab work or the desire to not let a patient leave empty handed from their visit, or it may be because patients have been more persistent about getting something, anything for their illness or sadly even just that physicians have become ignorant to the real dangers of this practice. Regardless, the problem is here and it is growing: very good antibiotics are no longer killing the bugs! WHO, the World Health Organization has reported that we are now progressing to the point where “Super Super-Bugs” are developing resistance to our strongest antibiotics. These bugs include such diseases as tuberculosis and malaria. It is vitally important to realize and demand from your doctor that an accurate diagnosis be made and only the most appropriate and efficacious drugs be used. I have included a recent article reporting on this very real threat to our health.
WHO: Antibiotic overuse gives rise to 'super superbugs'
Tuberculosis, malaria among diseases becoming resistant to various drugs By Manuel Mogato and Esha Dey MANILA/WASHINGTON— Misuse of antibiotics has undermined the global fight against infectious diseases like tuberculosis and malaria and could make the drugs ineffective, the World Health Organization warned Thursday.
An estimated 440,000 new cases of tuberculosis resistant to several types of drugs were reported last year in nearly 60 countries across the globe, according to the agency.
"At the same time, other age-old diseases are on the rise with the possibility of no cure," said Shin Young-soo, WHO regional director for Western Pacific area. Shin called on WHO's 193 member-states to commit resources and adopt policies to fight the growing problem of drug resistance.
"Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern not only because it kills, but because it increases health costs and threatens patient care.
" A gene that makes bugs highly resistant to almost all known antibiotics, or "super superbugs," has been found in bacteria in the water supplies in New Delhi. The gene, called NDM 1, first emerged in India three years ago and has spread across the world.
MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a superbug that alone is estimated to kill 19,000 people each year in the United States -- far more than HIV and AIDS.
The WHO used World Health Day on Thursday to launch its "Combat Drug Resistance! No action today, no cure tomorrow" policy.
Separately, the U.S. health regulator said it would expedite certain drug approval processes to tackle the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant diseases.
Confused about muscle confusion?
A term that may seem new to many and that is getting a lot of use these days is the term: muscle confusion. This term refers to the training technique that utilizes an exercise routine that is varies and prevents your muscles from becoming habituated or use to the same routine. Research has shows that doing the same exercises using the same routine allows the muscle groups to become habituated or used to the stress and thereby reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. That means the muscles or muscle groups won’t burn as many calories as they did when you first began using that particular routine or in other words: your muscles get bored. Research shows that by changing up muscle groups and the exercises used to target them prevents this from happening and allows you to burn more calories and build better muscle health.
Here are some ways to do it:
Vary Your Tempo
Using resistance training spend 3 to 4 seconds on the down movement whether you’re lowering your body or a weight. (You canuse dumbbells or a barbell.)
Reps: 10 to 15
Sets: 2 or 3
Dumbbell shoulder press
Dumbbell bench press
Barbell row
Dumbbell squat
Barbell lunge
Get a spring break body no matter the season.
Switch Sides
Performing a workout that challenges your body, and your mind will help keep boredom at bay. Single-arm and single-leg exercises force you to concentrate on keeping one side (and your torso) stable while the other one moves. Exercises that target alternating sides “can lead to increased calorie burn, strength, and core stability.”
Reps: 6 to 10 per side
Sets: 2 or 3
Alternating dumbbell bench press
Alternating dumbbell row
Single-arm cable row
Single-leg dumbbell straight-leg deadlift
Single-leg squat
Muscle Burn Circuit
Do as many reps of each exercise as you can in 1 minute, maintaining good form. Move to the next exercise without resting. Complete the circuit four times for a total of 28 minutes.
Bench jump straddle
Straddle a bench. Bend your knees and lower your butt until it just touches the bench. Use the momentum of your arms and explosively jump, landing both feet on the bench. Step down with your left foot, then your right. Squat slowly, tap your butt on the bench and jump up again.
Push up’s to fail
With your arms shoulder width apart place your hands on the floor and your feet stretched out behind you and do as many pushups as you can. Try to keep your back straight and go until your arms burn.
Medicine ball figure-eight
Maintain a wide squat, your feet about twice shoulder-width apart. Hold a medicine ball or basketball with both hands straight in front of you, and move the ball in a figure-eight motion, swiveling your hips back and forth. Don’t arch your back.
Straight-leg situp
Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms extended above the top of your head. Lift your torso as if you’re trying to touch your toes, keeping your legs on the ground. Lower your body back to the start position.
Bench hop
Stand next to the side of a bench, both feet together. Reach down and grab the short end of the bench. Jump over it, and as soon as your feet hit the floor, jump back to the other side. Your hands should never leave the bench.
Upgrade Your Cardio
Take something ordinary, such as a high school football stadium, and turn it into a fitness playground. Look at what you’re doing in your normal routine and apply it outdoors.
Start at the end zone and jog the length of the field to the opposite end zone. Run diagonally across the field until you reach the corner. Jog up the steps to the top of the stadium. Turn around and run down the path you just took. Run laterally down the field to the opposite end zone. Jog up the steps to the top. Turn around and run down the path you just took. Run across the opposite diagonal of the field. Continue the bow-tie pattern until you have made it to the top of all four corners of the stadium. (This routine can also be adapted for walking.)
Research shows that drinking water can increase metabolic rate x 30 % and that it will last for nearly 90 minutes, sip Dr. Tim’s ISO-5 powered by coconut water and get all this and the added benefits of water plus essential electrolytes.
WHO: Antibiotic overuse gives rise to 'super superbugs'
Tuberculosis, malaria among diseases becoming resistant to various drugs By Manuel Mogato and Esha Dey MANILA/WASHINGTON— Misuse of antibiotics has undermined the global fight against infectious diseases like tuberculosis and malaria and could make the drugs ineffective, the World Health Organization warned Thursday.
An estimated 440,000 new cases of tuberculosis resistant to several types of drugs were reported last year in nearly 60 countries across the globe, according to the agency.
"At the same time, other age-old diseases are on the rise with the possibility of no cure," said Shin Young-soo, WHO regional director for Western Pacific area. Shin called on WHO's 193 member-states to commit resources and adopt policies to fight the growing problem of drug resistance.
"Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern not only because it kills, but because it increases health costs and threatens patient care.
" A gene that makes bugs highly resistant to almost all known antibiotics, or "super superbugs," has been found in bacteria in the water supplies in New Delhi. The gene, called NDM 1, first emerged in India three years ago and has spread across the world.
MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a superbug that alone is estimated to kill 19,000 people each year in the United States -- far more than HIV and AIDS.
The WHO used World Health Day on Thursday to launch its "Combat Drug Resistance! No action today, no cure tomorrow" policy.
Separately, the U.S. health regulator said it would expedite certain drug approval processes to tackle the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant diseases.
Confused about muscle confusion?
A term that may seem new to many and that is getting a lot of use these days is the term: muscle confusion. This term refers to the training technique that utilizes an exercise routine that is varies and prevents your muscles from becoming habituated or use to the same routine. Research has shows that doing the same exercises using the same routine allows the muscle groups to become habituated or used to the stress and thereby reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. That means the muscles or muscle groups won’t burn as many calories as they did when you first began using that particular routine or in other words: your muscles get bored. Research shows that by changing up muscle groups and the exercises used to target them prevents this from happening and allows you to burn more calories and build better muscle health.
Here are some ways to do it:
Vary Your Tempo
Using resistance training spend 3 to 4 seconds on the down movement whether you’re lowering your body or a weight. (You canuse dumbbells or a barbell.)
Reps: 10 to 15
Sets: 2 or 3
Dumbbell shoulder press
Dumbbell bench press
Barbell row
Dumbbell squat
Barbell lunge
Get a spring break body no matter the season.
Switch Sides
Performing a workout that challenges your body, and your mind will help keep boredom at bay. Single-arm and single-leg exercises force you to concentrate on keeping one side (and your torso) stable while the other one moves. Exercises that target alternating sides “can lead to increased calorie burn, strength, and core stability.”
Reps: 6 to 10 per side
Sets: 2 or 3
Alternating dumbbell bench press
Alternating dumbbell row
Single-arm cable row
Single-leg dumbbell straight-leg deadlift
Single-leg squat
Muscle Burn Circuit
Do as many reps of each exercise as you can in 1 minute, maintaining good form. Move to the next exercise without resting. Complete the circuit four times for a total of 28 minutes.
Bench jump straddle
Straddle a bench. Bend your knees and lower your butt until it just touches the bench. Use the momentum of your arms and explosively jump, landing both feet on the bench. Step down with your left foot, then your right. Squat slowly, tap your butt on the bench and jump up again.
Push up’s to fail
With your arms shoulder width apart place your hands on the floor and your feet stretched out behind you and do as many pushups as you can. Try to keep your back straight and go until your arms burn.
Medicine ball figure-eight
Maintain a wide squat, your feet about twice shoulder-width apart. Hold a medicine ball or basketball with both hands straight in front of you, and move the ball in a figure-eight motion, swiveling your hips back and forth. Don’t arch your back.
Straight-leg situp
Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms extended above the top of your head. Lift your torso as if you’re trying to touch your toes, keeping your legs on the ground. Lower your body back to the start position.
Bench hop
Stand next to the side of a bench, both feet together. Reach down and grab the short end of the bench. Jump over it, and as soon as your feet hit the floor, jump back to the other side. Your hands should never leave the bench.
Upgrade Your Cardio
Take something ordinary, such as a high school football stadium, and turn it into a fitness playground. Look at what you’re doing in your normal routine and apply it outdoors.
Start at the end zone and jog the length of the field to the opposite end zone. Run diagonally across the field until you reach the corner. Jog up the steps to the top of the stadium. Turn around and run down the path you just took. Run laterally down the field to the opposite end zone. Jog up the steps to the top. Turn around and run down the path you just took. Run across the opposite diagonal of the field. Continue the bow-tie pattern until you have made it to the top of all four corners of the stadium. (This routine can also be adapted for walking.)
Research shows that drinking water can increase metabolic rate x 30 % and that it will last for nearly 90 minutes, sip Dr. Tim’s ISO-5 powered by coconut water and get all this and the added benefits of water plus essential electrolytes.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Spring is a great time of year. It is like a rebirth as we emerge from the dark blanket of winter. For some, you might still be digging out from the last round of snow storms. Nonetheless it is a time to look forward to getting back outside and soaking in the warm sunshine. The flowers begin to bloom, the trees are popping with blossoms and the sun is up longer. One of the elements to a healthy lifestyle that I have recommended in past newsletters is getting enough sleep. I receive a lot of questions about this topic. Getting the right amount of rest is very important to our health. Sleep is important for concentration, memory formation and the repair of damage to your body's cells during the day. Chronic lack of sleep increases the risk for developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and infections.
Here are some tips from The Comprehensive Epilepsy and Sleep Disorders Center at Baylor Regional Medical Center in Texas on how to improve your sleep time:
CONTROL CAFFEINE. The cycle of downing a large cup of coffee to wake up in the morning and more after dinner, whether out of habit or desire to stay up late, counters the body's ability to sleep soundly on its own. Go easy on the caffeine, especially in the six hours before bedtime.
STRESS LESS. Lying awake at night worrying about responsibilities at home or work does little besides making sleep more difficult, so just let your troubles go at bedtime. "Once your head hits the pillow, your only duty is to sleep," Raul Noriega, manager of the center, said in a Baylor news release.
RESCHEDULE THAT NIGHTTIME WORKOUT. Exercising helps your body, but doing it too close to bedtime might hurt it in the end, because it makes falling asleep more difficult. That's because sleep causes the body temperature to drop about a degree and, if you're heated up from exercise, it could take hours for you to cool down enough for sleep, Noriega said.
DEVELOP A SLEEP ROUTINE. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Shut off the TV and music, turn down the lights and take a warm (not hot) shower to build an atmosphere of calm. And you might try reading in bed for a little bit before turning off the lights.
DIETARY SUPPLEMENTATION. I recommend adding Dr. Tim's Brazilian Acai to your diet.
Below you can see how it has been helping some of our great customers to get better sleep:
"I started taking Acai Berry juice 4 days ago, I am stunned. I have slept all night for the 1st time in about 2 years and my energy levels are through the roof, not to mention my mood, I am my happy go lucky old self again. Oh yeah and my husband is pretty happy with my new sex drive). I highly recommend this to anyone, young and old. I can attest to all the above things and am sure that it is doing all the other things it claims too....I am a believer and will continue to buy. I have now recommended it to my mom recently diagnosed with diabetes as well as other medical problems." - Shawn C.
"My wife and I have been drinking Dr. Tim's Exotic Acai Juice for a week now. We sat down at the dinner table and began to talk about the benefits of the regimen and we realized that we had stopped drinking coffee in the morning and never even realized it. We had not headaches, no irritability, and no energy loss due the absence of caffeine in our diet. We used to both drink coffee throughout the day spending about $5 each at Starbucks but since we began drinking the Juice we no longer need caffeine! Quite an unexpected benefit!" - GY California
"I love the acai I have a problem sleeping and the acai juice makes me rest all night and I feel so revived in the morning. I mix with a little grape juice and drink it down." - Dee P.
Here are some tips from The Comprehensive Epilepsy and Sleep Disorders Center at Baylor Regional Medical Center in Texas on how to improve your sleep time:
CONTROL CAFFEINE. The cycle of downing a large cup of coffee to wake up in the morning and more after dinner, whether out of habit or desire to stay up late, counters the body's ability to sleep soundly on its own. Go easy on the caffeine, especially in the six hours before bedtime.
STRESS LESS. Lying awake at night worrying about responsibilities at home or work does little besides making sleep more difficult, so just let your troubles go at bedtime. "Once your head hits the pillow, your only duty is to sleep," Raul Noriega, manager of the center, said in a Baylor news release.
RESCHEDULE THAT NIGHTTIME WORKOUT. Exercising helps your body, but doing it too close to bedtime might hurt it in the end, because it makes falling asleep more difficult. That's because sleep causes the body temperature to drop about a degree and, if you're heated up from exercise, it could take hours for you to cool down enough for sleep, Noriega said.
DEVELOP A SLEEP ROUTINE. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Shut off the TV and music, turn down the lights and take a warm (not hot) shower to build an atmosphere of calm. And you might try reading in bed for a little bit before turning off the lights.
DIETARY SUPPLEMENTATION. I recommend adding Dr. Tim's Brazilian Acai to your diet.
Below you can see how it has been helping some of our great customers to get better sleep:
"I started taking Acai Berry juice 4 days ago, I am stunned. I have slept all night for the 1st time in about 2 years and my energy levels are through the roof, not to mention my mood, I am my happy go lucky old self again. Oh yeah and my husband is pretty happy with my new sex drive). I highly recommend this to anyone, young and old. I can attest to all the above things and am sure that it is doing all the other things it claims too....I am a believer and will continue to buy. I have now recommended it to my mom recently diagnosed with diabetes as well as other medical problems." - Shawn C.
"My wife and I have been drinking Dr. Tim's Exotic Acai Juice for a week now. We sat down at the dinner table and began to talk about the benefits of the regimen and we realized that we had stopped drinking coffee in the morning and never even realized it. We had not headaches, no irritability, and no energy loss due the absence of caffeine in our diet. We used to both drink coffee throughout the day spending about $5 each at Starbucks but since we began drinking the Juice we no longer need caffeine! Quite an unexpected benefit!" - GY California
"I love the acai I have a problem sleeping and the acai juice makes me rest all night and I feel so revived in the morning. I mix with a little grape juice and drink it down." - Dee P.
Inflammation is a process by which the body's white blood cells and chemicals protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. In some diseases, however, the body’s defense system (immune system) inappropriately triggers an inflammatory response when there are no foreign substances to fight off. In these diseases, called autoimmune diseases, the body's normally protective immune system causes damage to its own tissues. The body responds as if normal tissues are infected or somehow abnormal.
Inflammation is associated with a host of diseases like cardiovascular disease, crohn's disease, colitis and arthritis, and many of them are life threatening. Said pathologist Ed Friedlander, M.D., "Probably your own death will be caused by your last inflammatory response ... Whole body inflammation, formerly a popular term used especially by surgeons for the patients who they could not save, is going out of fashion in favor of multiple organ failure."
Chronic inflammation can affect your organs:
- Inflammation of the heart (myocarditis): Shortness of breath or fluid retention
- Inflammation of the small tubes that transport air to the lungs: Asthma attack
- Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis): High blood pressure or kidney failure
- Inflammation of the large intestine (colitis): Cramps and diarrhea
Inflammation may also be associated with general "flu-like" symptoms including:
- Fever
- Chills
- Fatigue/loss of energy
- Headaches
- Loss of appetite
- Muscle stiffness
Pain may not be a primary symptom of the inflammatory disease, since many organs do not have many pain-sensitive nerves. Treatment of organ inflammation is directed at the cause of inflammation whenever possible.
One of the safest, low-risk and cost effective things you can do is to modify your lifestyle and dietary choices. This means eating a variety of anti-inflammatory foods, dietary supplements and limiting or avoiding all together the pro-inflammatory foods. Exercising and quitting smoking help in the fight against inflammation and disease. Avoiding "Pro-inflammatory" foods increases your leverage against the insidious disease process of inflammation.
Pro-inflammatory foods include sugar, soda, alcohol, bread and red meat. Trans-fats, which are found in many snack foods, fried foods, crackers, candies, baked goods, cookies, vegetable shortening, some margarines, salad dressings and many processed foods, are particularly problematic. Studies have found that eating Trans-fats increases systemic inflammation, which is a risk factor for heart disease.
The conventional pharmaceutical solution for treating inflammation can be costly and very high in risk. Many medications designed for this purpose have been pulled from the market because of serious fatal side effects including Vioxx and Bextra. These medications are synthetically derived COX-2 inhibitors, which have been highlighted in the media lately because of their link to heart problems, Celebrex and even over-the-counter Aleve, have also been linked to increased heart attacks and stroke.
The following comes from an article written by Thomans M. Newmark and Paul Schulick in May of 2000 and appeared in CBS Money Watch. They point out the importance of cox-2 inhibition and the perils associated with synthetically derived forms of this enzyme. They underscore the importance of herbal COX-2 inhibition.
"Both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times have recently proclaimed the revolutionary promise of COX-2 enzymatic inhibition. The Wall Street Journal described the inhibition of this enzyme as a future milestone in preventative medicine. The Times reported that COX-2 inhibition reduced arthritic inflammation and menstrual pain, and appears to "prevent" cancers of the colon, esophagus, skin and bladder.
What is this important COX-2 enzyme, and how can it be safely inhibited or kept in check? The COX-2 enzyme is naturally created in every one of us. It controls the creation of a hormone-like substance that causes "inflammation." And not just the common inflammation many experience in a knee or shoulder, but also inflammation throughout the body, even in the brain of an Alzheimer's sufferer. Scientists now have convincing evidence that the unchecked activity of this enzyme is responsible for many forms of cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.
Amazingly, this fundamental cause of many of our most threatening diseases was only recently discovered, and drug companies immediately began the race to come up with pharmaceutical substances to inhibit the enzyme's devastating effects. Research scientists around the world supported this effort to create synthetic COX-2 inhibitors, and there was a wonderful, and surely unexpected, side benefit of that research. The scientists tried to find plant compounds and herbs to synthetically copy or mimic, and they identified many traditional herbs that contain natural and safe COX-2 inhibits. The very process to create synthetic COX-2 prescription drugs has also led to the discovery of herbal alternatives that are naturally available, without prescription.
It is important to understand how the enzyme works to create threatening disease conditions. The full name of the COX-2 enzyme is "cyclooxygenase-2," and its name contains the first clue as to how the enzyme works. Cyclooxygenase has the job of "oxidizing," or burning, a fat in the body called "arachidonic acid." This fat is an omega-6 fatty acid, one which occurs naturally in all of our cell membranes or walls. Picture the COX-2 enzyme as a "spark plug" that ignites this fat and cooks up inflammatory substances. Simply put, the enzyme is the spark, the fat is the fuel, and the flame of inflammation is the end result.
While we need that fire to help our bodies defeat enemies like bad bacteria and respond to trauma and injury, sometimes the fire burns too hot or gets out of control. When that happens we can be casualties of "friendly fire." We can develop some forms of cancer and arthritis, and our very brain neurons can get overheated and die."
Scientists have discovered many traditional herbs and "Super Fruits" that can safely inhibit the COX-2 enzyme. Those "Super Fruits" and herbs include Acai, Mangosteen, green tea, ginger, turmeric, holy basil, chamomile, Chinese goldthread, barberry, Baikal skullcap, hu zhang (Japanese knotweed), rosemary, hops, feverfew and oregano. A blend of the appropriate extracts of these herbs, if sufficiently concentrated, may offer substantial relief from the "fires" of COX-2 inflammation and the related diseases, without the side effects of synthetic drug inhibition. And the even better news is that when these botanicals inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, many of them also powerfully balance platelet aggregation (thus helping to prevent strokes and heart attacks) and heal ulcers. This is the genius of nature, and why cultures for thousands of years have obtained healing benefits from extracts of these botanicals.
Inflammation is associated with a host of diseases like cardiovascular disease, crohn's disease, colitis and arthritis, and many of them are life threatening. Said pathologist Ed Friedlander, M.D., "Probably your own death will be caused by your last inflammatory response ... Whole body inflammation, formerly a popular term used especially by surgeons for the patients who they could not save, is going out of fashion in favor of multiple organ failure."
Chronic inflammation can affect your organs:
- Inflammation of the heart (myocarditis): Shortness of breath or fluid retention
- Inflammation of the small tubes that transport air to the lungs: Asthma attack
- Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis): High blood pressure or kidney failure
- Inflammation of the large intestine (colitis): Cramps and diarrhea
Inflammation may also be associated with general "flu-like" symptoms including:
- Fever
- Chills
- Fatigue/loss of energy
- Headaches
- Loss of appetite
- Muscle stiffness
Pain may not be a primary symptom of the inflammatory disease, since many organs do not have many pain-sensitive nerves. Treatment of organ inflammation is directed at the cause of inflammation whenever possible.
One of the safest, low-risk and cost effective things you can do is to modify your lifestyle and dietary choices. This means eating a variety of anti-inflammatory foods, dietary supplements and limiting or avoiding all together the pro-inflammatory foods. Exercising and quitting smoking help in the fight against inflammation and disease. Avoiding "Pro-inflammatory" foods increases your leverage against the insidious disease process of inflammation.
Pro-inflammatory foods include sugar, soda, alcohol, bread and red meat. Trans-fats, which are found in many snack foods, fried foods, crackers, candies, baked goods, cookies, vegetable shortening, some margarines, salad dressings and many processed foods, are particularly problematic. Studies have found that eating Trans-fats increases systemic inflammation, which is a risk factor for heart disease.
The conventional pharmaceutical solution for treating inflammation can be costly and very high in risk. Many medications designed for this purpose have been pulled from the market because of serious fatal side effects including Vioxx and Bextra. These medications are synthetically derived COX-2 inhibitors, which have been highlighted in the media lately because of their link to heart problems, Celebrex and even over-the-counter Aleve, have also been linked to increased heart attacks and stroke.
The following comes from an article written by Thomans M. Newmark and Paul Schulick in May of 2000 and appeared in CBS Money Watch. They point out the importance of cox-2 inhibition and the perils associated with synthetically derived forms of this enzyme. They underscore the importance of herbal COX-2 inhibition.
"Both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times have recently proclaimed the revolutionary promise of COX-2 enzymatic inhibition. The Wall Street Journal described the inhibition of this enzyme as a future milestone in preventative medicine. The Times reported that COX-2 inhibition reduced arthritic inflammation and menstrual pain, and appears to "prevent" cancers of the colon, esophagus, skin and bladder.
What is this important COX-2 enzyme, and how can it be safely inhibited or kept in check? The COX-2 enzyme is naturally created in every one of us. It controls the creation of a hormone-like substance that causes "inflammation." And not just the common inflammation many experience in a knee or shoulder, but also inflammation throughout the body, even in the brain of an Alzheimer's sufferer. Scientists now have convincing evidence that the unchecked activity of this enzyme is responsible for many forms of cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.
Amazingly, this fundamental cause of many of our most threatening diseases was only recently discovered, and drug companies immediately began the race to come up with pharmaceutical substances to inhibit the enzyme's devastating effects. Research scientists around the world supported this effort to create synthetic COX-2 inhibitors, and there was a wonderful, and surely unexpected, side benefit of that research. The scientists tried to find plant compounds and herbs to synthetically copy or mimic, and they identified many traditional herbs that contain natural and safe COX-2 inhibits. The very process to create synthetic COX-2 prescription drugs has also led to the discovery of herbal alternatives that are naturally available, without prescription.
It is important to understand how the enzyme works to create threatening disease conditions. The full name of the COX-2 enzyme is "cyclooxygenase-2," and its name contains the first clue as to how the enzyme works. Cyclooxygenase has the job of "oxidizing," or burning, a fat in the body called "arachidonic acid." This fat is an omega-6 fatty acid, one which occurs naturally in all of our cell membranes or walls. Picture the COX-2 enzyme as a "spark plug" that ignites this fat and cooks up inflammatory substances. Simply put, the enzyme is the spark, the fat is the fuel, and the flame of inflammation is the end result.
While we need that fire to help our bodies defeat enemies like bad bacteria and respond to trauma and injury, sometimes the fire burns too hot or gets out of control. When that happens we can be casualties of "friendly fire." We can develop some forms of cancer and arthritis, and our very brain neurons can get overheated and die."
Scientists have discovered many traditional herbs and "Super Fruits" that can safely inhibit the COX-2 enzyme. Those "Super Fruits" and herbs include Acai, Mangosteen, green tea, ginger, turmeric, holy basil, chamomile, Chinese goldthread, barberry, Baikal skullcap, hu zhang (Japanese knotweed), rosemary, hops, feverfew and oregano. A blend of the appropriate extracts of these herbs, if sufficiently concentrated, may offer substantial relief from the "fires" of COX-2 inflammation and the related diseases, without the side effects of synthetic drug inhibition. And the even better news is that when these botanicals inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, many of them also powerfully balance platelet aggregation (thus helping to prevent strokes and heart attacks) and heal ulcers. This is the genius of nature, and why cultures for thousands of years have obtained healing benefits from extracts of these botanicals.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Dr. Tim's Weight Loss Plan
With Acai Detox-Rx, Brazilian Acai Juice & Jungle Juice
This is a really simple plan. We have combined the most effective ingredients to support and aid you in your efforts to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our products are designed to follow the oath I took as a young doctor to “First Do No Harm”. Begin with the “Jump Start” option using our Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx for a clean start. This will help you flush toxins, fat & free radicals while eliminating excess water weight. This fresh and healthy cellular Detox will help to support your body as you follow through with the rest of the plan below.
I developed Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx to help those who want an effective and efficient detoxifying agent in an easy to drink juice. It is a great way to jump start your cleansing program and goes along with your diet and weight loss efforts. I recommend that you use our Detox-Rx 2 days prior to starting the Weight Loss Plan for optimum effect.
Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx combines the powerful antioxidants of Acai with one of the most effective cleansing herbal blends, our own proprietary DT27 Complex. Acai is a remarkable fruit and provides powerful antioxidants that help with cleansing and rejuvenation. But Acai alone won’t do the job nearly as well without our DT27 Complex. DT27 Complex was designed to affect an efficient and thorough cleansing and detoxification flushing toxins, fat and free radicals from the body. This all natural scientifically designed and medically approved formula supports metabolic restoration and cellular rejuvenation eliminating excess water weight and bloating.
Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx tastes great. When mixed properly it has a delicious Acai tea flavor that makes it an easy addition to your personal health-care plan. It is gentle yet effective and you will be pleased with the results.
#2. Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai
Juice Next, I recommend that you take 1 ounce of Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai in the morning and then again 30 minutes before your evening meal. You may also supplement with more Acai during the day if you get hungry. It works great to help you overcome those “munchy/snacky” times of the day. The Acai works to provide powerful antioxidants, anthocyanins, fiber, protein, vitamins, iron and other nutrients that help cleanse and support your body functions to boost your efforts at weight loss. You can add additional Acai shots throughout the day as needed.
#3. Dr. Tim’s Jungle Juice
All natural real energy
Then you will take at least ½ of the Jungle Juice mid morning and the other half mid afternoon to safely boost your energy levels. You may drink the entire bottle of Jungle Juice in the morning or afternoon as well. Remember that Jungle Juice will provide hours of focused energy. Jungle Juice works by fueling your energy plant in your cells called the Mitochondria. It then works to mobilize fat to be burned as fuel and create more energy for you. Then it delivers a powerful appetite suppressant to stave off the munchies.
#4. Low Glycemic Food Plan
I recommend that you follow a low-glycemic diet and that you add 45 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise. You can find more about the glycemic index at www.glycemicindex.com.
#5. Exercise Plan
If exercise is a new element in your daily routine and be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough to start an exercise program. Then start with 30 minutes of walking 3 to 5 times a week and build to 45 to 60 minutes a day 5 to 6 times a week. Working up a good sweat and getting your heart rate up to fat burning zone will feel tough at first but then your body will develop a craving for this. Remember that typically it tales about 2 ½ weeks or so for your body to adjust to the new demands you are making on it both from an exercise requirement and a food intake change. Make a plan that allows you to achieve this goal over a 30 day period or longer if needed.
Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day here or there. If you miss a day or two or three just accept it and get back on track, you can do this. Also, set reasonable expectations regarding the amount of weight you want to lose and a healthy time period in which to achieve your goal. And finally be careful about the foods you eat. This is where following a low-glycemic diet plan works with you for success. Remember, in the end, it is all about the calories in vs. the calories out.
To Your Success, Dr. Tim
This is a really simple plan. We have combined the most effective ingredients to support and aid you in your efforts to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our products are designed to follow the oath I took as a young doctor to “First Do No Harm”. Begin with the “Jump Start” option using our Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx for a clean start. This will help you flush toxins, fat & free radicals while eliminating excess water weight. This fresh and healthy cellular Detox will help to support your body as you follow through with the rest of the plan below.
I developed Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx to help those who want an effective and efficient detoxifying agent in an easy to drink juice. It is a great way to jump start your cleansing program and goes along with your diet and weight loss efforts. I recommend that you use our Detox-Rx 2 days prior to starting the Weight Loss Plan for optimum effect.
Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx combines the powerful antioxidants of Acai with one of the most effective cleansing herbal blends, our own proprietary DT27 Complex. Acai is a remarkable fruit and provides powerful antioxidants that help with cleansing and rejuvenation. But Acai alone won’t do the job nearly as well without our DT27 Complex. DT27 Complex was designed to affect an efficient and thorough cleansing and detoxification flushing toxins, fat and free radicals from the body. This all natural scientifically designed and medically approved formula supports metabolic restoration and cellular rejuvenation eliminating excess water weight and bloating.
Dr. Tim’s Acai Detox-Rx tastes great. When mixed properly it has a delicious Acai tea flavor that makes it an easy addition to your personal health-care plan. It is gentle yet effective and you will be pleased with the results.
#2. Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai
Juice Next, I recommend that you take 1 ounce of Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai in the morning and then again 30 minutes before your evening meal. You may also supplement with more Acai during the day if you get hungry. It works great to help you overcome those “munchy/snacky” times of the day. The Acai works to provide powerful antioxidants, anthocyanins, fiber, protein, vitamins, iron and other nutrients that help cleanse and support your body functions to boost your efforts at weight loss. You can add additional Acai shots throughout the day as needed.
#3. Dr. Tim’s Jungle Juice
All natural real energy
Then you will take at least ½ of the Jungle Juice mid morning and the other half mid afternoon to safely boost your energy levels. You may drink the entire bottle of Jungle Juice in the morning or afternoon as well. Remember that Jungle Juice will provide hours of focused energy. Jungle Juice works by fueling your energy plant in your cells called the Mitochondria. It then works to mobilize fat to be burned as fuel and create more energy for you. Then it delivers a powerful appetite suppressant to stave off the munchies.
#4. Low Glycemic Food Plan
I recommend that you follow a low-glycemic diet and that you add 45 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise. You can find more about the glycemic index at www.glycemicindex.com.
#5. Exercise Plan
If exercise is a new element in your daily routine and be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough to start an exercise program. Then start with 30 minutes of walking 3 to 5 times a week and build to 45 to 60 minutes a day 5 to 6 times a week. Working up a good sweat and getting your heart rate up to fat burning zone will feel tough at first but then your body will develop a craving for this. Remember that typically it tales about 2 ½ weeks or so for your body to adjust to the new demands you are making on it both from an exercise requirement and a food intake change. Make a plan that allows you to achieve this goal over a 30 day period or longer if needed.
Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day here or there. If you miss a day or two or three just accept it and get back on track, you can do this. Also, set reasonable expectations regarding the amount of weight you want to lose and a healthy time period in which to achieve your goal. And finally be careful about the foods you eat. This is where following a low-glycemic diet plan works with you for success. Remember, in the end, it is all about the calories in vs. the calories out.
To Your Success, Dr. Tim
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Energy Drinks
Energy drinks and the complications from consuming them continue to grab the headlines of today’s news agencies. The so called “energy drink” market has grown substantially over the last several years. The target market for these products are ages 12 through 25 and primarily focused on young males.
But the term “energy drink” is a misnomer, in other words most energy drinks don’t create energy. These drinks are designed primarily to stimulate and excite the nervous system with high levels of caffeine laced with amino acid cocktails. The amino acid cocktails are used to create specific physiologic reactions that are noticeable shortly after consumption. These reactions are designed to psychologically convince the consumer that what they are feeling is “energy”.
The reality is that many use large amounts of niacin to create what is known as a “niacin rush”. This physiological response is a flushing feeling cased from the rush of blood into the peripheral blood vessels and capillaries. This can create the sensation of warmth, itching and blushing of the skin usually experienced on the upper torso, head and neck areas. The ensuing physiologic reaction comes from the high levels of caffeine and sugar that increase heart rates, irritability and nervous jitters. Some drinks even use more amino acids in a claimed attempt to potentiate or amplify these reactions.
In the end what is accomplished is the over stimulation of the central nervous system, potential damage to peripheral nerves in hands and feet, uncontrolled increase of heart rate, dangerously fatal arrhythmias or irregular heartbeat and unmanageable blood sugar levels that spike well beyond normal limits. It is no wonder that we are seeing more and more of our children and young adults land in the hospital experiencing serious medical emergencies from the unsupervised use and abuse of these products.
The final irony in all of this is that these products are targeted at our youth. But it is our youth who have more energy naturally than any other age demographic. I get it that these clever marketing types know that youth tend to push the extremes and therefore become more vulnerable to such advertising campaigns designed to exploit this inherent weakness. After all, this is exactly what the big tobacco companies did and we all know what eventually happened with that.
Here is a recent article from the associated press printed in the Washington Post that is very relevant and certainly underscores the dangerous potential of these “energy drinks”. This particular issue led me to formulate a safe and natural energy shot that utilizes the body’s natural cycle for creating energy without using nerve stimulation and blood sugar spikes to fool the consumer.
Frankly, I made ISO5 Energy Shot (formerly Jungle Juice) so that I could use something for an energy boost while training for triathlon events. Now in my 5th decade of life (that’s over 50 years of age) I find the need for an occasional boost of real and safe energy. Go to our web site at www.drtimsjuices.com and look under the products to read more about this.
But the term “energy drink” is a misnomer, in other words most energy drinks don’t create energy. These drinks are designed primarily to stimulate and excite the nervous system with high levels of caffeine laced with amino acid cocktails. The amino acid cocktails are used to create specific physiologic reactions that are noticeable shortly after consumption. These reactions are designed to psychologically convince the consumer that what they are feeling is “energy”.
The reality is that many use large amounts of niacin to create what is known as a “niacin rush”. This physiological response is a flushing feeling cased from the rush of blood into the peripheral blood vessels and capillaries. This can create the sensation of warmth, itching and blushing of the skin usually experienced on the upper torso, head and neck areas. The ensuing physiologic reaction comes from the high levels of caffeine and sugar that increase heart rates, irritability and nervous jitters. Some drinks even use more amino acids in a claimed attempt to potentiate or amplify these reactions.
In the end what is accomplished is the over stimulation of the central nervous system, potential damage to peripheral nerves in hands and feet, uncontrolled increase of heart rate, dangerously fatal arrhythmias or irregular heartbeat and unmanageable blood sugar levels that spike well beyond normal limits. It is no wonder that we are seeing more and more of our children and young adults land in the hospital experiencing serious medical emergencies from the unsupervised use and abuse of these products.
The final irony in all of this is that these products are targeted at our youth. But it is our youth who have more energy naturally than any other age demographic. I get it that these clever marketing types know that youth tend to push the extremes and therefore become more vulnerable to such advertising campaigns designed to exploit this inherent weakness. After all, this is exactly what the big tobacco companies did and we all know what eventually happened with that.
Here is a recent article from the associated press printed in the Washington Post that is very relevant and certainly underscores the dangerous potential of these “energy drinks”. This particular issue led me to formulate a safe and natural energy shot that utilizes the body’s natural cycle for creating energy without using nerve stimulation and blood sugar spikes to fool the consumer.
Frankly, I made ISO5 Energy Shot (formerly Jungle Juice) so that I could use something for an energy boost while training for triathlon events. Now in my 5th decade of life (that’s over 50 years of age) I find the need for an occasional boost of real and safe energy. Go to our web site at www.drtimsjuices.com and look under the products to read more about this.
dr tim's juices,
energy drinks,
niacin rush
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Dangers of Dehydration
(Here is a very informative article on dehydration and children. Please take the time to better understand this critical health care issue.Once you read this you will better understand the power and positive healthy impact that coconut water provides.)
Keep HydratedUnder normal conditions, we all lose some body water every day in our sweat, tears, urine, and stool. Water also evaporates from our skin and leaves the body as vapor when we breathe. We usually replace this body fluid and the salts it contains with the water and salts in our regular diet.
Sometimes, however, kids lose abnormally large amounts of water and salts through fever (more water evaporates from the body when body temperature is increased), diarrhea, vomiting, or long periods of exercise with excessive sweating. Some illnesses might also prevent them from taking fluids by mouth. If they're unable to adequately replace the fluid that's been lost, kids can become dehydrated.
If your child has fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, or is sweating a lot on a hot day or during intense physical activity, you should watch for signs of dehydration, which can include:
* dry or sticky mouth
* few or no tears when crying
* eyes that look sunken into the head
* soft spot (fontanelle) on top of baby's head that looks sunken
* lack of urine or wet diapers for 6 to 8 hours in an infant (or only a very small amount of dark yellow urine)
* lack of urine for 12 hours in an older child (or only a very small amount of dark yellow urine)
* dry, cool skin
* lethargy or irritability
* fatigue or dizziness in an older child
The best way to prevent dehydration is to make sure kids get plenty of fluids when they're sick or physically active — they should consume more fluids than they lose (from vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating).
How you keep a child adequately hydrated can depend on the circumstances. For example, a child with a sore throat may become dehydrated due to difficulty drinking or eating. Easing the pain with acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help, while cold drinks or popsicles can soothe a burning throat while also supplying fluids.
Infants with blocked noses who have trouble feeding can be helped by flushing their nostrils with saltwater (saline) nose drops and suctioning out the mucus with a bulb syringe.
Fever, which can be a factor in dehydration in any infectious disease, can be controlled with medications or room-temperature sponge baths and dressing the child in light clothing.
It's important that kids drink often on hot, dry, and windy days. Those who participate in sports or strenuous activities should also drink some extra fluid before the activity begins. They should also drink at regular intervals (every 20 minutes) during the course of the activity and after it ends. Ideally, sports practices and competitions should be scheduled for the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the hottest part of the day.
Thirst is not a good early indicator of dehydration. By the time a child feels thirsty, he or she may already be dehydrated. And thirst can be quenched before the necessary body fluids have been replaced. That's why kids should start drinking before thirst develops and consume additional fluids even after thirst is quenched.
Kids with mild gastroenteritis (also called the "stomach flu," which can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) who aren't dehydrated should continue to eat normally but should be encouraged to drink additional fluid to replace fluid losses. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), recent studies have shown that most kids with gastroenteritis can safely eat a regular age-appropriate diet while they're sick. In fact, feeding a regular diet to kids who have diarrhea may even reduce the duration of diarrhea, while offering proper nutrition. Infants with mild gastroenteritis who aren't dehydrated should continue to receive breast milk or regular-strength formula. Older kids may continue to drink full-strength milk.
Foods that are usually well tolerated by kids with gastroenteritis who aren't dehydrated include: complex carbohydrates (such as rice, wheat, potatoes, bread, and cereals), lean meats, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods or foods high in simple sugars (including juices and soft drinks). If the child is vomiting and isn't dehydrated, give fluids frequently, but in small amounts.
It's important for parents to learn to recognize the early signs of dehydration and to respond quickly if they develop. Younger infants and children should be watched very carefully because they're more likely to become dehydrated than older kids or adolescents.
The goal in treating dehydration is to replace fluids to restore the levels of body fluids to normal. As with prevention, strategies may differ depending on the age of the child and the condition causing the dehydration. An older child who's mildly dehydrated due to overexertion will probably be thirsty and should be allowed to drink as much as he or she wants. Plain water is the best option for the first hour or two. After this, the child might need drinks containing sugar and electrolytes (salts) or regular food. Also, the child should rest in a cool, shaded environment until the lost fluid has been replaced.
Kids who are dehydrated due to vomiting or diarrhea from an illness (such as gastroenteritis) should have their lost fluids replaced with a special drink called an oral rehydration solution (ORS). This is available in many grocery stores and pharmacies without a prescription and is designed for children who are dehydrated. It contains just the right combination of sugar and salts to help the intestines absorb what the body needs.
The replacement of lost fluids is known as rehydration, which is achieved by quickly replacing the lost fluids using an ORS over the course of a few hours. Start the rehydration process by giving your child 1 or 2 teaspoons (5 or 10 milliliters) of an ORS every few minutes. This can be done with a spoon or an oral syringe, or even in popsicle form. Although this may not seem like enough fluids to rehydrate your child, these small amounts can add up to more than a cup (237 milliliters) an hour. Even kids who are vomiting can usually be successfully rehydrated in this way because the small frequent sips get absorbed in between the vomiting episodes. In addition, the correction of dehydration often lessens the frequency of vomiting. If the child does well, you can gradually give bigger sips a little less often.
In nursing infants, breastfeeding should be continued at all times, even during the initial rehydration process. The oral rehydration solution can be given in between breastfeedings. For kids who are normally formula-fed or who eats solids, formula and foods should be stopped during rehydration and restarted as soon as the child is no longer showing signs of dehydration several hours later. Changes in formula usually aren't necessary.
Other "clear liquids" often used by parents or recommended by doctors in the past are no longer considered appropriate for use in dehydrated kids. Drinks to avoid include: water, soda, ginger ale, tea, fruit juice, gelatin desserts, chicken broth, or sports drinks. These don't have the right mix of sugar and salts and can even make diarrhea worse.
Once your child is rehydrated, you can resume a normal diet, which should include lots of complex carbohydrates (such as rice, potatoes, and whole-grain breads and cereals), lean meats, yogurt, fruits and vegetables, as well as the child's usual milk source (breast milk or formula for infants and full-strength cow's milk for older kids). But be sure to avoid fatty foods or foods high in simple sugars, such as juices and soft drinks. Resuming an age-appropriate diet early is essential in supplying your child with necessary calories and nutrients and can even reduce the duration of gastroenteritis.
It's also important to note a number of old wives' tales about treating dehydration are not recommended. For example, the practice of withholding food for more than 24 hours is inappropriate and can be unsafe. Likewise, specific diets that have been commonly recommended in the past — such as the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) — are unnecessarily restrictive and do not provide the best nutrition for a child's recovering intestinal tract. Also, over-the-counter medicines for diarrhea or vomiting are not recommended for children, as they can have potentially dangerous side effects. Appropriate fluids — not medicines — are the key to treatment.
A few dehydrated children do not improve when given an oral rehydration solution, especially if they have very frequent bouts of explosive diarrhea or frequent vomiting. Kids who can't replace losses because of vomiting, difficulty swallowing, massive diarrhea, or other reasons, might need to receive intravenous (IV) fluids in the hospital.
If you're treating your child for dehydration at home and feel that there's no improvement or that the dehydration is worsening, call your doctor immediately or take your child to the nearest emergency department.
Keep HydratedUnder normal conditions, we all lose some body water every day in our sweat, tears, urine, and stool. Water also evaporates from our skin and leaves the body as vapor when we breathe. We usually replace this body fluid and the salts it contains with the water and salts in our regular diet.
Sometimes, however, kids lose abnormally large amounts of water and salts through fever (more water evaporates from the body when body temperature is increased), diarrhea, vomiting, or long periods of exercise with excessive sweating. Some illnesses might also prevent them from taking fluids by mouth. If they're unable to adequately replace the fluid that's been lost, kids can become dehydrated.
If your child has fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, or is sweating a lot on a hot day or during intense physical activity, you should watch for signs of dehydration, which can include:
* dry or sticky mouth
* few or no tears when crying
* eyes that look sunken into the head
* soft spot (fontanelle) on top of baby's head that looks sunken
* lack of urine or wet diapers for 6 to 8 hours in an infant (or only a very small amount of dark yellow urine)
* lack of urine for 12 hours in an older child (or only a very small amount of dark yellow urine)
* dry, cool skin
* lethargy or irritability
* fatigue or dizziness in an older child
The best way to prevent dehydration is to make sure kids get plenty of fluids when they're sick or physically active — they should consume more fluids than they lose (from vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating).
How you keep a child adequately hydrated can depend on the circumstances. For example, a child with a sore throat may become dehydrated due to difficulty drinking or eating. Easing the pain with acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help, while cold drinks or popsicles can soothe a burning throat while also supplying fluids.
Infants with blocked noses who have trouble feeding can be helped by flushing their nostrils with saltwater (saline) nose drops and suctioning out the mucus with a bulb syringe.
Fever, which can be a factor in dehydration in any infectious disease, can be controlled with medications or room-temperature sponge baths and dressing the child in light clothing.
It's important that kids drink often on hot, dry, and windy days. Those who participate in sports or strenuous activities should also drink some extra fluid before the activity begins. They should also drink at regular intervals (every 20 minutes) during the course of the activity and after it ends. Ideally, sports practices and competitions should be scheduled for the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the hottest part of the day.
Thirst is not a good early indicator of dehydration. By the time a child feels thirsty, he or she may already be dehydrated. And thirst can be quenched before the necessary body fluids have been replaced. That's why kids should start drinking before thirst develops and consume additional fluids even after thirst is quenched.
Kids with mild gastroenteritis (also called the "stomach flu," which can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) who aren't dehydrated should continue to eat normally but should be encouraged to drink additional fluid to replace fluid losses. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), recent studies have shown that most kids with gastroenteritis can safely eat a regular age-appropriate diet while they're sick. In fact, feeding a regular diet to kids who have diarrhea may even reduce the duration of diarrhea, while offering proper nutrition. Infants with mild gastroenteritis who aren't dehydrated should continue to receive breast milk or regular-strength formula. Older kids may continue to drink full-strength milk.
Foods that are usually well tolerated by kids with gastroenteritis who aren't dehydrated include: complex carbohydrates (such as rice, wheat, potatoes, bread, and cereals), lean meats, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods or foods high in simple sugars (including juices and soft drinks). If the child is vomiting and isn't dehydrated, give fluids frequently, but in small amounts.
It's important for parents to learn to recognize the early signs of dehydration and to respond quickly if they develop. Younger infants and children should be watched very carefully because they're more likely to become dehydrated than older kids or adolescents.
The goal in treating dehydration is to replace fluids to restore the levels of body fluids to normal. As with prevention, strategies may differ depending on the age of the child and the condition causing the dehydration. An older child who's mildly dehydrated due to overexertion will probably be thirsty and should be allowed to drink as much as he or she wants. Plain water is the best option for the first hour or two. After this, the child might need drinks containing sugar and electrolytes (salts) or regular food. Also, the child should rest in a cool, shaded environment until the lost fluid has been replaced.
Kids who are dehydrated due to vomiting or diarrhea from an illness (such as gastroenteritis) should have their lost fluids replaced with a special drink called an oral rehydration solution (ORS). This is available in many grocery stores and pharmacies without a prescription and is designed for children who are dehydrated. It contains just the right combination of sugar and salts to help the intestines absorb what the body needs.
The replacement of lost fluids is known as rehydration, which is achieved by quickly replacing the lost fluids using an ORS over the course of a few hours. Start the rehydration process by giving your child 1 or 2 teaspoons (5 or 10 milliliters) of an ORS every few minutes. This can be done with a spoon or an oral syringe, or even in popsicle form. Although this may not seem like enough fluids to rehydrate your child, these small amounts can add up to more than a cup (237 milliliters) an hour. Even kids who are vomiting can usually be successfully rehydrated in this way because the small frequent sips get absorbed in between the vomiting episodes. In addition, the correction of dehydration often lessens the frequency of vomiting. If the child does well, you can gradually give bigger sips a little less often.
In nursing infants, breastfeeding should be continued at all times, even during the initial rehydration process. The oral rehydration solution can be given in between breastfeedings. For kids who are normally formula-fed or who eats solids, formula and foods should be stopped during rehydration and restarted as soon as the child is no longer showing signs of dehydration several hours later. Changes in formula usually aren't necessary.
Other "clear liquids" often used by parents or recommended by doctors in the past are no longer considered appropriate for use in dehydrated kids. Drinks to avoid include: water, soda, ginger ale, tea, fruit juice, gelatin desserts, chicken broth, or sports drinks. These don't have the right mix of sugar and salts and can even make diarrhea worse.
Once your child is rehydrated, you can resume a normal diet, which should include lots of complex carbohydrates (such as rice, potatoes, and whole-grain breads and cereals), lean meats, yogurt, fruits and vegetables, as well as the child's usual milk source (breast milk or formula for infants and full-strength cow's milk for older kids). But be sure to avoid fatty foods or foods high in simple sugars, such as juices and soft drinks. Resuming an age-appropriate diet early is essential in supplying your child with necessary calories and nutrients and can even reduce the duration of gastroenteritis.
It's also important to note a number of old wives' tales about treating dehydration are not recommended. For example, the practice of withholding food for more than 24 hours is inappropriate and can be unsafe. Likewise, specific diets that have been commonly recommended in the past — such as the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) — are unnecessarily restrictive and do not provide the best nutrition for a child's recovering intestinal tract. Also, over-the-counter medicines for diarrhea or vomiting are not recommended for children, as they can have potentially dangerous side effects. Appropriate fluids — not medicines — are the key to treatment.
A few dehydrated children do not improve when given an oral rehydration solution, especially if they have very frequent bouts of explosive diarrhea or frequent vomiting. Kids who can't replace losses because of vomiting, difficulty swallowing, massive diarrhea, or other reasons, might need to receive intravenous (IV) fluids in the hospital.
If you're treating your child for dehydration at home and feel that there's no improvement or that the dehydration is worsening, call your doctor immediately or take your child to the nearest emergency department.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dr. Tim’s Belly-Fat-Blasting Smoothie
I often see ads that claim to “Melt Your Fat Away”. Oh if it were so easy as to “melt” your unwanted fat away, as if it could happen in such a timely way and manner that would make seem as if it were literally dripping off of your body. Can you imagine melting fat like candle wax? Plastic surgeons and health clubs would be nearly extinct. Although this doesn’t really happen this way, you can eat things that will aid you in your quest to lose the pounds of unwanted fat.
Recent research points to excessive belly and chest fat as the dangerous fat that can increase your chances of heart attack, diabetes and stroke. These areas also seem to be the most problematic areas to lose weight. Research also tells us that these are the first areas where we accumulate and store fat and the last areas to go when losing weight. So, to help with this effort I came up with this very effective Belly-Fat-blasting Smoothie. Each ingredient has been carefully selected based on its respective functionality and power. Give it a try and add it to your weight loss and or management routine.
Place in a blender:
½ cup Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai juice
½ banana
¾ cup berries
2T. whey powder
2T. ground flax seed
1T. psyllium husk
1T. Chia seed
1T. wheat germ
600 mg fish oil from supplement capsules. Be sure to break open the capsules and add only the oil from the capsules
3 ice cubes
Blend until creamy and drink.
Have Fun, Drink More, Live Active
Dr. Tim
Recent research points to excessive belly and chest fat as the dangerous fat that can increase your chances of heart attack, diabetes and stroke. These areas also seem to be the most problematic areas to lose weight. Research also tells us that these are the first areas where we accumulate and store fat and the last areas to go when losing weight. So, to help with this effort I came up with this very effective Belly-Fat-blasting Smoothie. Each ingredient has been carefully selected based on its respective functionality and power. Give it a try and add it to your weight loss and or management routine.
Place in a blender:
½ cup Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai juice
½ banana
¾ cup berries
2T. whey powder
2T. ground flax seed
1T. psyllium husk
1T. Chia seed
1T. wheat germ
600 mg fish oil from supplement capsules. Be sure to break open the capsules and add only the oil from the capsules
3 ice cubes
Blend until creamy and drink.
Have Fun, Drink More, Live Active
Dr. Tim
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Watch Out For Vitamin Waters
For some time now we have been very concerned with not only the artificial ingredients of vitamin waters but also their claims. Here is a report from the Consumer Group. This was originally posted on msn heatlh.
Health Highlights: Feb. 4, 2011 Vitamin Waters Ads Misleading: Consumer Group
A consumer group wants U.S. officials to stop what it calls misleading advertising claims about vitamin waters.
The National Consumers League says the Federal Trade Commission should halt "dangerously misleading" ads that suggest vitamin waters can prevent illness or replace flu shots, United Press International reported.
The products contain fructose and other forms of sugar that are high in calories, the group said.
"These advertising claims are not only untrue, they constitute a public health menace," said NCL Executive Director Sally Greenberg, UPI reported. "Stopping these vitamin water claims, which contradict information by the Centers for Disease Control and other public health authorities, should be a top FTC priority."
Health Highlights: Feb. 4, 2011 Vitamin Waters Ads Misleading: Consumer Group
A consumer group wants U.S. officials to stop what it calls misleading advertising claims about vitamin waters.
The National Consumers League says the Federal Trade Commission should halt "dangerously misleading" ads that suggest vitamin waters can prevent illness or replace flu shots, United Press International reported.
The products contain fructose and other forms of sugar that are high in calories, the group said.
"These advertising claims are not only untrue, they constitute a public health menace," said NCL Executive Director Sally Greenberg, UPI reported. "Stopping these vitamin water claims, which contradict information by the Centers for Disease Control and other public health authorities, should be a top FTC priority."
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